Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Creating Healthy Boundaries

"Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others." -Brene Brown

I've recently had a big game-changing A-HA!!! *shiny light bulb over head* moment, where I realized that I need to become better at creating healthy personal boundaries. As a "Giver" (Myers-Briggs type ENFJ), I genuinely love to help people, and to make others happy. However, it's become evident that I also need to take care of my own needs too-- to give to myself as well. After all, I am responsible for my own happiness.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Desiderata: Peace With Yourself And Others

The theme of finding inner peace, and peace with others, has come up in multiple conversations with friends in the past week.

When attempting to find peace with myself, and with others, I return time and time again to the poem "Desiderata", by American writer and lawyer Max Ehrmann.  I hope that in sharing this poem with you, you may find peace too. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mercury Retrograde: Moving Backward To Move Forward

Sometimes you have to pull backward, in order to be propelled forward

Whether you believe in astrology or not, you may have heard the term "Mercury Retrograde" or "Mercury in Retrograde" mentioned.
It's recently gotten more attention in pop culture and social media. Perhaps you saw an Instagram post on it...or a funny meme posted on Facebook...or Ryan Seacrest's Tweet about it.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Vulnerability: Not a Weakness

Maybe it's the new rain. Maybe it's the new year. Whatever the reason, recently I've been thinking a lot about vulnerability. In particular, becoming more vulnerable again. 2014 was spent trying to find my true happiness, to become stronger than ever, and to be more self-confident. Mission accomplished! It was a pretty kick-ass year. However, somewhere in the journey to become a warrior, I also started to fiercely protect my heart and shield myself from pain. I became fearful of being "vulnerable and weak."
But now it's time to take down the walls. Because I'm learning that vulnerability isn't a weakness. It's a strength.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Cutting The Cord

Yesterday was my born day. I came into this world a few decades ago, umbilical cord cut upon emergence from my mother's womb.

While out celebrating another year of this wondrous life with the dearest of friends, my phone was stolen from my purse in the first hours of my birthday. At first I was shocked and sad. I felt violated. However, over the course of the next 24 hours, I came to realize that this was not truly a theft, but instead a gift in disguise.

How could this be a gift?